NexGen Heat MPM1713SET12v Men's Black 'Heated' Zipper Front Hoodie (Rechargeable Battery Pack Included)
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Have not been able to use jacket yet batteries are not the correct ones. Have called and talked to someone 3 times, sent pictures and still have no answers. Very disappointing as this was for my fiancée who had a stroke and is always cold. Unfortunately still can’t use or get someone to help. Will call again to try to get an answer to what to do return, replace send correct batteries. Please help.
Possible problem with battery. 1 battery doesn't charge fully had on charger 36 hours hasn't fully charged
I really like this hoodie. It keeps me warm either standalone or under a jacket.
Sent an Email. asking for help. No one contacted me. One was to small..having trouble exchanging. Because bought when they were 60% off.
I haven't used this yet and purchased for riding along with my Milwaukee heated gloves bought here but I know it's going to be great. Made very well and heavy duty. I realized after I received the hoodie that I can wear anytime. I really hadn't thought about that. Very satisfied with purchase.
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