Milwaukee Helmets H7000 Glossy Black 'Mayday' Modular Motorcycle Helmet with Wireless Communication
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1st bought 2 helmets H7000 XL on both helmets,different sizes ? Both had a tag Xtra large one shell was smaller than the other and couldn't wear smoked dropped down lenses on one helmet as they wouldn't drop down with glasses on.other just barely.the helmet was of good construction but lacking in quality control. Communication you needed a raod map to set up but decent once set pin lock shield so I bought spray Anti fog.order 2 sizes up as chart is wrong .
The large didn't fit so I bought the xl.the smoked shield that you put down doesn't fit my glasses even though I wear photo Gray. I should of ordered up 2 sizes to a 2xl the chart is way off.i put old glasses on with smaller frames still didn't fit over my glasses,the unisex helmet is for the birds,I'm a man charge more if you have big at 6'1" 220 .the helmet is great the communication works great and I listen to my music when riding .it fits snug, my head will rub on the front of the helmet if I'm not careful but the helmet it's self is good.if you search around it's a lot of helmet for the money,sure you can have name brands for more money but if they offerd a 2XL I would take don't have pin lock but I'll spray it with anti fog.
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